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I love the game, but how do you get the Twins Azel and Tanis to Like You.

You need to go on 3 dates with them (at your house, on wednesdays)

I've wanted to try the demo. but all it says is "

Error: Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded (see JavaScript console for details)

This is a known issue in Safari and Webkit browsers. Please report this issue to Apple"

has this been happening to others? what should I do?

Hey, sorry about that. That's a known issue due to Chrome last update. It should work on firefox or Opera GX :)

I wish i had a money to play this game i really love pixel adult games :(


i hope there will be frottage scenes. i love the futa characters

I am stuck and the story is not progressing.

is there like a guide or walkthrough?


Hey, yes you can find a walthrough channel on our Discord server :)

Do I need to restart the game everytime an update comes out or can I just continue on my previous saves?


You can continue on your previous saves each time you update :D


I have a question, so if we buy the game do we get the futute patches too or is it only the current patch?


If you buy it, you'll have access to all the next updates ! (download the app and connect it to your account is the best way to do so) 




Really liking the game. Very cute and charming.


Thank you so much for this nice feedback :D I really appreciate <3

Deleted 1 year ago

Download the new app,  install it and your phone will update your previous version and keep your previous saves.

any idea about the new update release ?


In few days :)

Sorry for asking this, because maybe someone already asked: i tried to play the game on my phone (an android OPPO A54s), but after sono dialogs after the star the game crush.
Is my phone? Have i to change some settings?
This mobile is new and, i think, powerful enough for this tipe of game.
Thanks for the help!

Hey, since 0.14.0, some people (like 3 or 4) have encountered this kind of issue. Maybe something related to the last Ren'py update. Basically, they all finally managed to run it normally after several attempts. I really don't know what it's due to, I'll try to look into it seriously at the next update. Sorry about that. Let me know if you can run it at some point!

Thank you!!! If this is the case, then I'll try again and again. Sorry to bother, but thank you for your hard work!

If I'll manage to make it work I'll reply!

No problem don't worry! If eventually you can't manage to make it work, contact me on Discord and we'll figure it out. 

Love what your doing by the way. But I'am having the same issue. My phone is new,and it crashes every time I start it. I know your a busy person but any help would be much appreciated. 

I'm working on a fix, join discord and DM me, I'll try to provide you a solution asap

how do you breed before week 7

Not available yet ;) 


Just created an account to say this. 
This is moment when im played bc of the plot and not bc its NSFW game.


Really?  Wow, what an honor! <3
I really appreciate :)

(1 edit) (+1)


but can you make your cock bigger?

uhh help i lost all my saves tbh


Can you tell me more? On which platform are you playing? What was the last build you've played before losing all your saves ? Join discord and DM me it will be easier :)

I seem to have gotten stuck in the motorcycle garage, I slept and the achievement for that character is locked on my screen and I cant leave the main square.

Hey sorry about that,  are you playing the very last version uploaded yesterday? That bug is supposed to be fixed now :)

Ahh I was not I'll update it now

Okay! Let me know :)


My guy this game is so fun, I love the art style and the characters, You're doing a really great job and I can't wait till the game is finished. Definitely woth the $1.

Thanks a lot! You can't even imagine how much this kind of support means the world to me <3 

I first played the game on another website, and fell in love!! I ran over here to buy the official version, the artstyle is so pretty, I'll leave now to play the full thing, lol. Keep up the great work!


Aww thanks a lot! <3 I'm so happy you like it that much!

the game is very smooth, but the art style is poor, it would be good with better art, but I guess then it won't have this smoothness

Thank you :) Sorry you don't like the artstyle that much :)

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yup but is the only game that i've seen with this kind of smootness

I've been loving the game so far! awesome work <3

Thanks a lot!

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Very good game, I love it, just wondering how to get to the other city, can we only get there through the airship guy? and what day he arrives?

Thanks a lot! :D
To reach the other side of the island you have to wait for sam. You need to start Emma and Liam storyline, confess 5 times to Gloria and come back to the church one more time to trigger an event, wait until day 16 or more. The zepplin will pop in the village.

Ah. I had not done enough things to confess 5 times yet. Thank you! I hope to see more fun and "juicy" times in the game!

Loving the pixel work, and just loving how this game been coming along. I wonder will there be more MalexFuta and FutaxMale in more updates.

Tank you so much! More male coming on next update <3

Awesome to hear.


really liked your games until i found out that you make nfts. really not cool dude

I don't really see the connection but I respect your opinion. 

I love this game. Checks all my boxes :)

Keenly awaiting new content! I think I've done everything. I'm missing 4 memories though, not sure what I could have done differently.

Also, maybe this is intentional in the full version but in the demo there was a day/night tracker with the day of the week and it's missing. It would be really useful to have

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot for your nice feedback! I really appreciate.
Some memories can't be unlocked depedning on the path you choose (Andy's RPs, Emma or Liam)
Concerning the day/night tracker, no, this is not intentional but a bug! You mean you did the whole game without it? Gonna upload a fix today.
PS: join discord to get the complete walkthrough ;)

(1 edit)

Oh, that makes total sense! Thanks 😊

Yea I literally had to try keep count in my head! I didn't mind not having it but I'm glad to hear it's a bug and it wasn't a decision just to make the players suffer hahaha.

PS: I absolutely will

The fix is available <3 

Thanks a lot for reporting!

I played the demo and enjoyed it I sub and follow you now on patreon and discord but I wasn't able to find the walkthrough

Hey! Thanks a lot!

There's a  channel "unlock memories". What is your name on Discord? You can DM me if you have trouble :D


Gonna dm you rn :)

im on 1.13 and some of it says under construcion, does this mean in development? and am i able to get the newer version without paying again?

Hey, you can update to 0.14.1 for free yeah! Under construction means "in development" yes :D 

awesome love the art style by the way

Thank you so much! <3

I am on S21 ultra and have played solid 2 minutes of game. It keeps crashing, I've unistalled and reinstalled but it continues to crash and idk what I'm doing wrong

Weird, some ppl already reported some slow down since last update, but not continuous crash. Maybe a memeory leak, i'm gonna take a look at this asap. Really sorry about it :( 

I've tried restarting phone, downloading from other browser. I open it up and just has title screen for like 2~3 seconds then black screen and crash

ok idk what happened but it working fine now

Maybe some Xmas magic here x) Glad it works now. I've worked on performance yesterday, I'll upload a 0.14.1 soon.

The game seems to lag quite a bit too from when I go to my saves and load a save. after loading it it will take a while for it to sense that I am clicking something and it takes longer to save as well

Hey sorry to hear! On which device are you playing?

window 10

Weird! First time someone report that kind of bug on windows. Does it continue to lag even after quitting and restarting the game?

restarting the game will always resolve the lag. but if i come back and reload another save to see the other options  then the lag will appear again. strangely enough the lag doesn't cause the text to load slower just that the game will respond slower when i'm clicking something. 


Okay, really sorry about that. I'll try to understand why it behave that way.

(2 edits)


on the scene where jack and jill peed on each other there was a typo: behiavour which is supposed to be behaviour

Thank you for reporting!

Deleted 226 days ago

This is so weird! I can't reproduce that bug, you're the second person who report it! Do you remember what happen exactly before you get stuck ?

Deleted 226 days ago

Okay really sorry about that, i'll take a look at this asap! If you're on PC, just hit escape key, it may solve the problem. If you're on Android, you have to take a save before the bug and avoid Andy.

Hello, idk where to bug report, so i’ll write here. at first all was good, but since second week some glitches hapens, like:

  1. sometimes beach background starts to appear on top of dialogs and at scene transision time, fixes by going to actual beach and click on Nina’s house. I didn’t figure out actual trigger of this bug.
  2. skipping sign at top left corner appeats by itsefl sometimes and didn’t go away until i click on bed in house, maybe i doing something wrong?

Nice game btw, i played demo about half’o’year ago, and now i bought it, nice work

Hey! Thank you so much for your report! 
The beach background issue has been reported already, I'll fix it very soon!
The skipping sign does not desappear when on click on "skip" button on the quick menu? 


yay 0.13 is out :)

Yay!! <3 Have fun!


Finally 0.13 is out ! You made my day thanks !

So happy you're happy <3 Have fun!

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The thing is, someone gave this to me without hesitation and I'm wondering how can I pay the updated game without using my card but i have the money to buy it, so is there a way?

One thing in my mind is that, is 0.13(the next update) going to be free or I have to pay it again? btw. I love this game.

Hey! Sorry for my late reply! :O You only need to pay once and then go to your game library and click the update button to get all the next updates for free :)

I'm having trouble downloading. I bought the android version, downloaded but it says "app not installed"

(1 edit)

Sorry to hear that, first time I hear about this bug :( Have you try to delete all files and re-install? Are you sure you have enough free space available? Try to contact support to get refund if you can't find a solution.

I got it! I think it was just space

How to move my old files to new ones? (btw. I'm using windows 10)

You mean your saves ? You go into your folder Juicy Futa V0.xx.x -> game -> saves. And there, you can find your saves. But on windows you're supposed to keep your old saves on new version.

so, how about my pc save to android

Same thing, you grab your PC save and put it in the folder of your android app (they're compatible) I can't tell you where your app is stored, you can check on the internet but often it is in: 
SD card or storage -> Android->data->juicy.eliot.juicyfuta-> files -> saves

I am having trouble with the gym I am doing everything I am asked but I'm still a liar and not sweating enough! Any tips? 

Hey, sorry about this, other people already reported this to me. I'll fix it on the next update :D (available in few days)



I bought the game, I only have an iPhone :(

(1 edit)

Sorry to hear that, I'm pretty sure you can ask for a refund :)

How do I get my money back?

Try to contact support

How do I get into this game?  (on the iPhone)

You can't :( Sorry, only for PC LINUX MAC and Android

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When can i find the 11 veesion in

Not planned rn :) Sorry

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