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I have an issue on android for the twins outhouse scene, it goes something like: twins_anon_path is not defined

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Obviously I messed up with this variable :O Don't know why or how. Gonna make a fix right now.

Fixed. Let me know if it's all good for you :D

Done, added to wishlist, waiting for more! 

Thanks a lot! <3 

If I have purchased on, how do I access the other downloadable files such as the cheat and the walkthrough


Hello, you're right! I had not put these 2 files in free download, allowing people who bought the game a few months ago to download them easily. You should be able to download them without any problem now! Let me know :)

Is there a way to use the cheat code through mobile devices as well?


Unfortunately, no :(

when i try to talk to the man in the fruit shop it lags out and there's no dialogue, and his name comes up as "???" even though I've met and spoken to him before

Hey! Sorry about that. That will be fixed in the next update, for now if you already had your 2 dates with Jasper, there's no more dialogue with him. You'll be able to talk to him again on 0.21.0 :)

great, any idea when we can expect the update?

I'd say late April :)

When i open the game it crashes as soon as i press a button

Hi, on which platform ?


There's a know issue with ren'py/android for almost a year now. Some ppl can launch the game on their phones but then crashes immediately. I think they've changed their protocol few weeks ago, I'm gonna take a look. Contact me on Discord if you can.


Hey, I'm sorry if this isn't something you can handle, I've already bought this game before. I'm unsure if I need to pay for it every time it updates, I just need some help, thank you!

(2 edits) (+1)

No worries, I'm here to help you :) No need to pay on each updates. If you have the client (for PC) you just need to click on the update button in your library. If you don't have an account nor the client, click on "Buy" button and you'll see an option "I already paid for this game" just put your email adress there.

Thank you so much, I enjoy your characters a lot, keep up the good work!

Thanks a lot ! :D

Deleted 1 year ago

Hi! It may be tagged as a virus only because I am not a "well known" developer. Concerning the refund, I can't do it myself, you have to contact the support. 

It sounds like a false positive my antivirus tells me some games on steam are a threat even though I know it's safe so I had to add it to my exclusions.

Why do I need more than one pressure so that I can do a specific thing


Hi, I guess you're playing on Android? Is it like "sometimes" or "always" ?


Weird, never heard of this before. What is the model of your phone?

Infinix HOT 8

Can you join Discord ? (Link on the game page) I'd like to test somthing with you :)

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Is there any way to use cheat code in android version?

Personal message from me:

I like this game. First time I played this game, I focused on getting girls route instead of boys route and also I chose the revenge route (which I also finished all the contents old version had). Then, second time instead of girls route I mostly focused on available boys route which I lost the file because of 0.20.0 update. Version 0.20.0 update forced me to delete 0.19.0 to update it. Now third time, I am focusing on girls route and reunite the island instead of taking revenge. As a futa lover, I really like this game. It's also one of the best and perfect futa nsfw game on itch.


Hi! Thank you for your feedback! Unfortunately, no you can't use the cheat code on Android for now, I'll try to think about something to make it possible. Yes, the saves between 0.19.0 and 0.20.0 are not compatible because I changed the whole structure of the code. Really happy to hear you like the game somuch. I really appreciate it.

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Love the game, hate the business model.

I would find it okay if there would be more regular updates, but being able to pay one time 1$ on Patreon and have a newer version for multiple months - and then the same version for another few months leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

Assuming I pay you 4 times on Patreon I paid the same amount of money I would've paid you for the single purchase. Looking at the dev log that would be 2 years worth of content. So only after that buying the game would be the better decision - and this also assumes that you always would want at least content parity with the people who buy it here. If you skip a few updates because you don't feel like playing it atm - pretty realistic scenario that that happens over the course of two years - then you might skip a few updates and that stretches it out even further.

And all that ASSUMES that this game is in development for that long. Should it be done anytime sooner the people who paid got an even worse deal as it actually never paid off.

I really like the game, but giving Patreon new content first with the current update speed just doesn't seem fair to paying users on other platforms.


I totally agree with you it has been over 2 months since the last update and even the pirated websites got the newer version first
it's not fair for us who support the creator to wait 2 months just because i am not on patreon which is not even available in my country .
maybe people should just get the pirated version instead of waiting months
it's unfair
this policy should change


There are many ways to access prohibited websites, if you're using a PC, i recommend changing your browser's DNS settings from local to google dns that is the safest option.

really i tried that but it doesn't accept my visa



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Sorry you don't like the model.

Updates were more regular until recently. We are getting closer to the end, so yes the updates are less regular but they have more content than before. Full release is expected this spring (on every platforms).

Please remember I work alone on this project, which I'm doing on my free time. I also have a full time job.

Again, I'm glad that you like the game enough to have wanted to support me. Just a little more patience, the game is almost finished and 0.20.0 will be available soon here. I'm working as fast as I can.


so i pay to support the creator
and the pateron get the newer version 2 month earlier than us
but websites like porngameshub get also the new version before us as well and for free ??
i really like the game but the policy should be changed
cause people can get the updated version for free online before us here on itch . . . . .


That's a pirate site. I didn't provide them the game, they stole it.

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i know but either way people there get the newer version first
doesn't that seem unfair for us here , but what will make people want to buy it here if they will get for free there and even before us here ?


Some people are willing to support the creators, some can't. It's thanks to people like you, who buy the game or join the Patreon that the game can continue to be developed serenely. I'm sorry if you feel aggrieved because some people steal my content. Anyway, I want you to know that I thank you for being part of the people who support my work.

I am a bit confused on how the Avatar maker works, since it will not save when I hit the icon. Also, how does the maker affect the game?


Hi! The avatar maker is indeed a bit confusing, when you hit the floppy disk icon, it will save a screenshot in the game folder (but only in fullscreen mode). To be honest, I wanted it to be used in the game for side quests or something, but in the new version he was removed. The avatar maker will remain a standalone after all.

Is this game gone on itch? I saw in Patreon they already reached version 0.21.0 but here the update is still at 0.19.3...


Hi! Patrons always get the last build before I update it on itch. The current build is 0.20.0 tho, I'm working on 0.21.0 right now (what you've seen on Patreon was a progress report) As soon as 0.21.0 is available, I'll upload the 0.20.0 on itch.

Oh. I was scared for a second. Thanks



I like the originality of this game, it is unique and open-minded

But Too bad the animations don't last more long or are too fast 

Hey the game doesn't work for me at all I'm on a android device can't make it past the title screen sadly :/ , tried redownloading and trying other fixes with no results. Really looking forward to play hope it gets fixed soon!

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Hi! For some reason, I really don't know why, but very few people can't play on their android device, likely less than 1%. I'm still trying to understand why and I'm really sorry about this. I think you can ask for a refund contacting support.




I cant do the secobd date with julian i go to the house at night and nothing happens


I'll take a look at this, thank you for reporting.

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Is this on steam?

Is it release?


It will be on Steam this Spring :) TBA.

Hey I bought the game at V.16 build and wanted to get the new update but I can not find a way to update it? I checked my PayPal activity and I do have the receipt for the game when I bought it!


im dumb found it lmaoooooo thank you CTRL + F lmaoo

great game btw

No problem :D Thank you so much !


So if I bought the steam version, I will have to pay for this one as well

There's only a free demo on Steam right now. The only way to play the current build is through Patreon or the public build here. I'll see if I do something about free keys on itch if the game is bought on Steam later.


ok, thank you


I purchased V0.17.0, how do I get updated versions?


Nvm, found older comment like mine ! :)

Glad you found! :D


Just download it again you already paid the game so download it again


Mine wont start past the first cut scene before crashing...

On which platform are you playing?


Is V.0.19.X Releasing here?


Yes! Soon, in few days :)




yea sure a few days said 2 weeks ago and it's still 1.18


The 0.19 will be uploaded soon, I think on the 31st october. It will be indeed 2 weeks.
Delays are quite common in the dev but in the meantime, I suggest you to soothe your heart.


Thanks for making a fun and horny game. I look forward to see where you take the game and the story. And just too share Gloria is definitely my favorite on the islanders so far.


Thank you so much for your kind words! Really glad you like it that much! 

Deleted post

Hey! There's a guide on Discord :) There's a link at this bottom page :) Maybe I should put this guide somewhere else. Directly on the page or in the game folder.

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I'll think about doing the same thing on the next update then! Thank you too :D


i regret buying it if i have to wait 2 month for each update


I'm really sorry, I've made 1 update each month for 2 years now. This is the first time it take so long, and that's because i'm doing a lot of changes on the structure. 


it has been over 3 months now since the last update1.18

trust me even if i am a girl i like this game
but this delay is annoying really . . .


I can understand your frustration, and in a way I'm flattered to see you're so eager to play the next version. Believe me, I don't enjoy keeping you waiting. It puts pressure on me to fall behind but I only do it to make the game better. I'm a woman too, women should support each other ;) Again, really sorry.

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Thank you for your kindness <3

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Thank you so much for being so nice and understanding! <3

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Build 0.18.2 came out 69 days ago

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i honestly don't like how the Patreon can have the game  before us for 2 months we already paid for the game
and even Patreon isn't available in my country
it's not fair ..


I'm so sorry this makes you feel that way. Patreon is based on a monthly subscription. It makes sense to me that someone who supports you for the long term would have a benefit like this.

Usually there is only a 1 month gap between the two but I'm currently doing a lot of changes on the next update so it will take a little longer.

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I semi-hate to admit that I understand how, from your perspective, it makes sense to prioritize long term supporters over those of us, who provide a one-time income. And it's especially true for me, who picked the game up at a discount. Yet, I cannot help feeling the tiniest bit let down that my expectation of "an update every month" is not met. And I have to admit, I am not even sure where that expectation comes from.

That said. Take your time. Happy about any update I get. The game is good fun already and keeps getting better.

Out of curiosity, how much additional effort is it to provide builds and do you plan to keep the gap to patreon at 2 month from now?

Thanks and have a great day! :)


Thanks for trying to understand, that's nice of you!

The next updates might be quite massive, they will be the last ones (I would say 3 or 4), there will be a complete re-do of the structure, more scenes, side quests, the final (several endings) and the polish. So they will take a bit longer to release (about 2 months each) that's why the gap between patreon and itch will be about 2 months now and not 1 month anymore.


Thank you. Looking forward to finding out how the story concludes. 😊

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pepdada it depends on your device 

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Which one has more content? 

 V0.18.2 or new demo on steam

0.18.2  and by far, the demo has only 1 or 2 hours of gameplay.


When will the new update come out?


Hi! Don't really know yet, I'm going to make a lot of changes to the structure of the game and it might take some time. The 0.19.0 is already available but only on Patreon. On itch, it will take another 2 months I think.

Hi! I really like this game, and subbed on Patreon! I have problem, I stuck, and can't get how to make Wednesday twins date, I've done everything I could but I don't know what's the problem

Are you on Discord? If not Join and DM me and I'll try to help you :)

I like this game very much! ! ! Hope to have a Chinese translation! ! !

Hey :)
Thanks a lot for your support! I would love to have the games translated into other languages if I reach my goals on Patreon :D

Hi! First I want to say I absolutely love this game. I’m trying to get to the brad and Bret scene but I’m stuck. Also I can’t seem to find the new quests. I’ve visited everyone morning and night but there is not a change of dialogue. 

Thank you so much! To get new scene with the cops -> If you've unlocked the second scene with Beth and the scene with Brat and Bret, it will unlock an event with them. They will ask for you to hide them from beth.

By new quest, you mean how to kick Tom out of Juicy Island or convince him to stay? Join Discord if you want you can DM me.

Hello! Great game, thank you for it. Just so you know, the mac download for 0.18.1 does not work on the itch launcher.


Oopsi, just fixed it! Thank you for reporting and your support!

I have a question do you think about adding the Brazilian Portuguese translation? I really like your game congratulations.

Hey! Thank you so much for your support! I've planned to translate in several language if I reach my goal on Patreon :)


I have a question if I already have the game if I want to update it. Do you do it?

Best way to update your game is download itch app and connect with your account. Then you just need to click on update in your game library.  But you can also do it just by clicking on "Download" and choose "I already paid for this".

Hope it helps


Good Value for the price, looking forward to see what the future has in store for the game


Thanks a lot! Happy you like the game :)

any news about the new update 0.18 ?

Working on it :) Will be available on early access for Patrons before the end of June.

how do you breed before week 7? 


This is "not really" implemeted yet, I'm gonna change some of the mecanics concerning this quest, don't worry, you'll get there ;)

Thanks, also this is a awesome game 

Really happy you like it so much <3

Love your art style, keep up the great work!


Thank you so so much <3 Really happy you like my work !

any news about the new update ?

Released for patrons last Saturday :) Will be upload here in about 15 days

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